
Dwarves of golarion hero lab
Dwarves of golarion hero lab

Occasionally, his wrists are adorned with broken shackles, representing his doctrine of freedom for both body and mind. Additionally, he is often shown in combat against hosts of devils. He is usually depicted wearing chainmail and bearing a tankard of ale in one hand, sometimes accompanied by a rapier in the other. After his ascension, he appears much as he did before completing the Test of the Starstone. Appearance and Emissaries Ĭayden Cailean is an unassuming deity. Torag shares the Lucky Drunk's love of ale, and the two have been known to compare human and dwarven brews on occasion. He finds Erastil, Abadar, Gozreh, and Irori tolerable to be around, but difficult to agree with on certain matters. Relationships Ĭayden Cailean makes a point of avoiding trouble with his peers as much as possible, although he responds to challenges quickly, and has little patience for the less-benign divine powers.Ĭailean particularly favors Desna, Sarenrae, and Shelyn, and has been known to keep the company of Calistria from time to time. One instance of note is the fall of the devil Salicotal, who grew infuriated with Cailean during a duel of dares, and attacked - only to be defeated at the hands of the god. He willingly accepts challenges when they are issued, although not as a point of honor he sees no shame in retreating when necessary. He holds freedom and adventure in high regard, and opposes tyranny and oppression on principle. Ĭayden Cailean has lived his immortal life much as he did his mortal one. Regardless, after three days had passed, the sellsword - to everyone's surprise - emerged as a deity. Legends abound regarding the challenges Cailean faced at the Starstone, but no one knows the truth of what happened. Ĭailean never planned to become a god, but when a drunk friend challenged him to take the Test of the Starstone, an equally inebriated Cailean accepted, forgetting that only two mortals, Aroden and Norgorber, had passed the test. Ultimately, however, the latter would lead to the man's ascension to the pantheon. His refusal to compromise his ideals was as well known as his love for drink, and the combination of the two resulted in a less-than-favorable reputation among potential employers. He strongly believed that no man should hold power over another, and went so far as to leave jobs unfinished rather than violate his principles. Before he successfully completed the Test of the Starstone, the man known as Cayden Cailean was a Taldan sellsword and freedom fighter working out of Absalom.

Dwarves of golarion hero lab